Mariana Reis
Mariana Reis
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Enhancing macrocyclic diterpenes as multidrug-resistance reversers: structure–activity studies on jolkinol D derivatives
M Reis, RJ Ferreira, MMM Santos, DJVA dos Santos, J Molnár, ...
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 56 (3), 748-760, 2013
Jatrophane diterpenes and cancer multidrug resistance–ABCB1 efflux modulation and selective cell death induction
MA Reis, OB Ahmed, G Spengler, J Moln�r, H Lage, MJU Ferreira
Phytomedicine 23 (9), 968-978, 2016
Euphorbia and Momordica metabolites for overcoming multidrug resistance
MJU Ferreira, N Duarte, M Reis, AM Madureira, J Moln�r
Phytochemistry reviews 13, 915-935, 2014
Jatrophane Diterpenes from Euphorbia mellifera and Their Activity as P-Glycoprotein Modulators on Multidrug-Resistant Mouse Lymphoma and Human Colon�…
I Valente, M Reis, N Duarte, J Serly, J Molnár, MJU Ferreira
Journal of natural products 75 (11), 1915-1921, 2012
Toxocara canis: potential activity of natural products against second-stage larvae in vitro and in vivo
M Reis, A Trinca, MJU Ferreira, AR Monsalve-Puello, MAA Gr�cio
Experimental parasitology 126 (2), 191-197, 2010
Chlorophyll derivatives from marine cyanobacteria with lipid-reducing activities
S Freitas, NG Silva, ML Sousa, T Ribeiro, F Rosa, PN Le�o, ...
Marine drugs 17 (4), 229, 2019
Improving the MDR reversal activity of 6, 17-epoxylathyrane diterpenes
C Vieira, N Duarte, MA Reis, G Spengler, AM Madureira, J Moln�r, ...
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 22 (22), 6392-6400, 2014
The Marine Seagrass Halophila stipulacea as a Source of Bioactive Metabolites against Obesity and Biofouling
S Bel Mabrouk, M Reis, ML Sousa, T Ribeiro, JR Almeida, S Pereira, ...
Marine Drugs 18 (2), 88, 2020
Inhibition of bacterial and fungal biofilm formation by 675 extracts from microalgae and cyanobacteria
V Cepas, Y L�pez, Y Gabasa, CB Martins, JD Ferreira, MJ Correia, ...
Antibiotics 8 (2), 77, 2019
Microalgae and cyanobacteria strains as producers of lipids with antibacterial and antibiofilm activity
V Cepas, I Guti�rrez-Del-R�o, Y L�pez, S Redondo-Blanco, Y Gabasa, ...
Marine drugs 19 (12), 675, 2021
Diterpenes from Euphorbia piscatoria: synergistic interaction of lathyranes with doxorubicin on resistant cancer cells
MA Reis, A Paterna, A M�nico, J Molnar, H Lage, MJU Ferreira
Planta medica 80 (18), 1739-1745, 2014
Exploring jolkinol D derivatives to overcome multidrug resistance in cancer
MA Reis, OB Ahmed, G Spengler, J Molnár, H Lage, MJU Ferreira
Journal of natural products 80 (5), 1411-1420, 2017
Epoxylathyrol derivatives: Modulation of ABCB1-mediated multidrug resistance in human colon adenocarcinoma and mouse T-lymphoma cells
AM Matos, M Reis, N Duarte, G Spengler, J Molnár, MJU Ferreira
Journal of natural products 78 (9), 2215-2228, 2015
Colon adenocarcinoma multidrug resistance reverted by Euphorbia diterpenes: structure-activity relationships and pharmacophore modeling
M Reis, R J. Ferreira, J Serly, N Duarte, A M. Madureira, D JVA Santos, ...
Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry-Anti-Cancer Agents) 12 (9), 1015-1024, 2012
12,17-Cyclojatrophane and Jatrophane Constituents of Euphorbia welwitschii
MA Reis, V André, MT Duarte, H Lage, MJU Ferreira
Journal of natural products 78 (11), 2684-2690, 2015
Macrocyclic diterpenes resensitizing multidrug resistant phenotypes
MA Reis, A Paterna, RJ Ferreira, H Lage, MJU Ferreira
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 22 (14), 3696-3702, 2014
Uncovering the bioactive potential of a cyanobacterial natural products library aided by untargeted metabolomics
L Ferreira, J Morais, M Preto, R Silva, R Urbatzka, V Vasconcelos, M Reis
Marine Drugs 19 (11), 633, 2021
Esclerose m�ltipla: implica��es s�cio-econ�micas.
A Machado, F Valente, M Reis, P Saraiva, R Silva, R Martins, S Cruz, ...
Acta M�dica Portuguesa 23 (4), 631-40, 2010
Epoxylathyrane derivatives as MDR-selective compounds for disabling multidrug resistance in cancer
MA Reis, AM Matos, N Duarte, OB Ahmed, RJ Ferreira, H Lage, ...
Frontiers in Pharmacology 11, 599, 2020
Chlorosphaerolactylates A–D: Natural Lactylates of Chlorinated Fatty Acids Isolated from the Cyanobacterium Sphaerospermopsis sp. LEGE 00249
I Gutierrez-del-Rio, N Brugerolle de Fraissinette, R Castelo-Branco, ...
Journal of Natural Products 83 (6), 1885-1890, 2020
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Articles 1–20