Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

Eun Suk Choi

Kyungpook National University, South Korea

Title: Occupational factors influencing smoking behavior among Korean employees

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Hea-Kook Lee

The Catholic University, Korea

Title: Prevalence and correlates of hazardous drinking : Results of a community sample in Seoul, Korea

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Yeongmi Ha & Junghyun Gong

Gyeongsang National University, South Korea

Title: The effects of smoking cessation program including text messaging and telephone counseling using the stages of change for persons with myocardial infarction

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Travis Loughran

University of Nevada at Las Vegas, USA

Title: Case study for the treatment of high-risk alcohol use in a collegiate athlete using family behavior therapy

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Will Strahl

University of California at Los Angeles, USA

Title: How drug avoidance activities change over time - An online longitudinal study

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Richard V. Guzzetta, Antonio Renteria and Carrie F. Randazzo

Touchstone Medical and Recovery Centers, USA

Title: Integration of private primary care practice and opiate addiction

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Luke Bigler

University of Nevada at Las Vegas, USA

Title: Family behavioral therapy’s influence on alcohol use in collegiate athlete’s performance

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Maryam Mousavi Nik

Mysore University, India

Title: Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) for depression and smoking cessation in infertile women

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Hongna Yang

University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Title: Attenuation of chronic Morphine-mediated cAMP upregulation in SH-SY5Y cells by mesenchymal stem cells

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Arianna Gonzalez-Bueno

University of Nevada at Las Vegas, USA

Title: Relationship between the training scales of the SIC and alcohol consumption scores of the AUDIT across gender

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Marina Toderishena

Bukovinian State Medical University, Ukraine

Title: Student’s social networking addiction depends on the condition of their studying

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Emma Swarzman

University of Nevada at Las Vegas, USA

Title: Case study for the treatment of high-risk alcohol use in a collegiate athlete using family behavior therapy

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Kaitlyn M. Enright

McGill University, Canada

Title: Attenuated electroencephalographic activity following risk-taking in high risk drivers

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Nadir Aliyev

Ministry of Health, Republic of Azerbaijan

Title: Depending on the clinical picture of paroxetine in women and its treatment

Biography Abstract