Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

Xuexiu Chang

Yunnan University, P. R. China

Title: Allelopathic effect of cyanobacteria on endangered submerged macrophyte, Ottelia acuminata, a native species of southwestern China

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Change Liu

School of Life Science, Yunnan University, P. R. China

Title: Foliage nutrient and leaf litter stoichiometry of plants in the phosphorus-enriched soils of the lake Dianchi watershed, southwestern China

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Fu Denggao

School of Life Science, Yunnan University, P. R. China

Title: Community assembly, species and functional diversity of natural and man-made forests

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Guosheng Zhang

School of Life Science, Yunnan University, P. R. China

Title: Impacts of different vegetations on a Cambisols properties in the mid-Yunnan Plateau during normal and extreme dry years

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Rinat Khannanov

NCB, Stepnogorsk, Kazakhstan

Title: Characterization of anticancer and antiviral properties of natural products in Kazakhstan

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Mabuda A. I

Fort Hare Institute of Technology, South Africa

Title: Thermal analysis and computer simulation of biomass and biomass/sorbent blends for gasification purposes

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Yosef Alemayehu Hailemariam

University of South Africa, Ethiopia

Title: Metal Complexes Of Q-2, 3-dione reacting With orthophenylenediamine a New-Nhetrocyclic ligand having a biological activity and its structural studies

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Van Thang

University of Queensland, Australia

Title: Diversity profile of oil producing microalgae in south east of Queensland – Australia

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Jack Fran Armengot Garcia Perez

University of Cundinamarca- Girardot, Colombia

Title: Preliminary Inventory of the Phytobenthos and Aquatic Macroinvertebrates Communities Present in the Yulo Wetlands (Cundinamarca, Colombia)

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Hintsa Gebru

Ethiopian agricultural research institute, Ethiopia

Title: Searching and testing bread wheat genotypes for adaptation in Northern Ethiopia through participatory varietal selection

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Bibhu Santosh Behera

Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, India

Title: Climate change & its impact on agriculture & allied sectors in India

Biography Abstract