Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

Blanca E. Millan-Chiu

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Campus Juriquilla, Mexico

Title: Optimizing cell membrane permeabilization through shock waves: Towards novel approaches for anti-cancer gene therapy

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Luz M. Lopez-Marin

Centro de Fisica Aplicada y Tecnologia Avanzada, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Campus Juriquilla, Mexico

Title: Lipoplexes and shock waves: A promising strategy for gene therapy

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Yuichi Iida

Tottori University, Japan

Title: Two types of human artifi cial chromosome vectors

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Emmanuel S Quansah

Charles Sturt University, Australia

Title: Progress towards generation of transgenic lines of chicken with a green fl uorescent protein gene in the female specifi c (w) chromosome by sperm-mediated gene transfer

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Ibrahim Alaraidh

King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

Title: Detection of genetically modified rice: Collaborative validation study of a PCR based detection of genetically modified rice Oryza sativa commercially available in Saudi arabia

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Narumi Uno

Tottori University, Japan

Title: Toward safe and effective gene and cell therapies using human artifi cial chromosomes and stem cells

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Yasuhiro Kazuki

Tottori University, Japan

Title: Mouse artificial chromosome vectors for animal transgenesis

Biography Abstract