Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

Tsuyoshi Matsuo

Shikoku Medical Center for Children and Adults

Title: Rehabilitation and postoperative complications after opening wedge high tibial osteotomy

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Cathy Ciolek

University of Delaware

Title: Using the ICF as a model for improving student participation in their professional organization

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Gabrielle Shumrak

Johns Hopkins Hospital

Title: The Johns Hopkins Hospital acute care physical therapy residency program: Rising to the challenge of the triple aim

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Eric Stewart

University of Delaware

Title: Early simulation as a tool to prepare doctor of physical therapy students for collaborative practice

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Karla Ann Bell

University of Delaware

Title: Cultivating the Health Care Profession: The Value of Peer-guided Learning in Developing a Culture of Communication, Collaboration, and Consultation

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Rick Zock

Christiana Care Health System

Title: Incorporating lift systems into therapeutic interventions: Breaking the myths of dependency

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Trent Jackman

Idaho State University

Title: Multiple readmissions in acute care physical therapy rehabilitation of an elderly patient with comorbidities and a surgically repaired ankle fracture

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Stanley J Winser

University of Otago
New Zealand

Title: Clinical outcome measures for the assessment of balance in cerebellar ataxia. A Delhi survey

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Dawn Evans

Utica College

Title: The efficacy of low level laser therapy on musculoskeletal impairments of the shoulder: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Tatsuya Ishii

Shikoku Medical Center for Children and Adults

Title: Intervertebral angles increase proportionate to activity level in patients with spinal instrumentation

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Naifu Jiang

University of Hong Kong

Title: Dynamic surface electromyography topography as a new objective and quantitative assessment tool for low back pain rehabilitation

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Gill Solberg

Kibbutzim Collage of Education Technology and Arts

Title: Postural disorders and musculoskeletal dysfunction diagnosis, prevention and treatment

Biography Abstract