Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

Cornelia Kasper

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences(BOKU)

Title: Development of a new in vitro tenogenic differentiation model

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Mette Hemmingsen

Technical University of Denmark

Title: Hepatic differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells in a perfused 3d porous polymer scaffold for liver tissue engineering

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Shaden Khalifa

Karolinska Institute

Title: Tissue engineering of the inner ear

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Chiara Gomiero

University of Padova

Title: Scleraxis and MyoD fused with the TAT polypeptide may induce equine adult stem cells towards tenogenic and myogenic fates

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Tiziana Martinello

University of Padova

Title: Biomimetic innovative applications for tendon and skin regenerative medicine

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Sylwia Koniusz

Mossakowski Medical Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences

Title: The maintenance of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Haizea Iribar

Instituto Biodonostia

Title: Developmental origin of murine dermal precursor cells with neurogenic potential (and the implication of Sox2 levels in their neural fate)

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Luiz Augusto

University of Sao Paulo

Title: Bone allografts for clinical use in implantology: From retrieval to evidence of their effectiveness

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Neil Naldaiz-Gastesi

Instituto Biodonostia

Title: Identification and characterization of murine dermal precursor cells with myogenic potential

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Yilin Chen

Ji Nan University

Title: Identification of miRNAome in myocardial infarction by high throughput sequencing

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Miriam C. Amores de Sousa

University of Lisbon

Title: Scalable expansion of neural stem cells supported in electrospunnanofiber scaffolds: Modelling and experimental approaches

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Anna Andrzejewska

Mossakowski Medical Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences

Title: In aim to obtain enhanced crossing of blood brain barrier - adhesion properties of modified human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Michaela Hajkova

Charles University in Prague
Czech Republic

Title: Therapeutic effect of mesenchymal stem cells-seeded and Cyclosporine A-loaded electrospun nanofibers on inflammatory reaction after skin transplantation

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Miriam Amores de Sousa

University of Lisbon

Title: Neural stem cell alignment in electrospunnanofiber scaffolds

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Dossova Aigul

National Scientific Medical Center

Title: Morphological features of healing of eardrum traumatic defect with cultivated allofibroblasts

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Matthias Graupp

Medical University of Graz

Title: Establishing principles of macromolecular crowding for in vitro fibrosis research of the vocal folds

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Alessandro Bertolo

Swiss Paraplegic Research

Title: In vitro cell mobility: a mesenchymal stem cells marker for multipotency?

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Laia Tolosa

Research Center Hospital

Title: Neonatal livers for the isolation of cells for liver cell therapy

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Minhao Li

Kunshan High School

Title: Biomimetic design of 3--‐D geometry of scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Nelson Foresto Lizier

Centro de Criogenia

Title: Title: Immature dental stem cells: Bio technological product ready to go throughout stem cell- based therapy market

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Tania Limongi

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Saudi Arabia

Title: Development, characterization and cell cultural response of a 3Dbiocompatible micro-patterned polycaprolactone scaffolds designed and fabricated integrating lithography and micromolding fabrication techniques

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Manarbek B. Askarov

National Scientific Medical Center

Title: Autologous bone marrow stem cell transplantation in complex therapy of cardiomyopathy

Biography Abstract